Monday 14 January 2008

I really like this one! I had such a fun time making all the stripes, I could have gone on for ever! I look at this and think that I am so far away from what I was doing before I left the States, this is so rigid and constructed, the work I did before was more fluid and emotional with lots of subtle color shifting, I would like to get back to that.

On to other things.... I find my self looking at houses for sale back in Portland, thinking about Valerie, Daves daughter and how she is my only family now, I think about eating at Nostranas with Andy and drinking really good wine, I think about all my quilting and knitting friends and the inspiration they give me. I think about my life and where I am now and how I want to be back with everyone. I have a great life here but its the life of a hermit, its wonderful to have all the time in the world to work on my quilting and dyeing but when I cant share it with anyone what does it mean? Man, I'm getting heavy!!! Lighten up!
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1 comment:

Deb Lacativa said...

I've done no reading but loving the eye-candy! You've made my blog roll today.