Friday, 20 November 2009

Here is the new one in the new style, its 80 x 71" I like it and might do a few more, we will see.

I need to dye a few more colors for my next big piece, a this n that or something a little different?
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Monday, 16 November 2009

Is there anybody that reads this from Austin Texas? If there is I would love to hear from you! Please email me, Im wondering what its like as a place to live.

Thank you!

Sunday, 15 November 2009

75 yds dyed. It takes me awhile to do this, I have to boil water to add to the washing machine, but at least I have one. I love the greys and am thinking of useing them in another This N That quilt.
Here is my latest creation, its 62" x 58" I like it as a simple study, it has given me an idea for a much more complex piece that I hope to start on tomorrow!

I usualy have a week before I have a new idea but now I want to do 2 quilts right away!!! Can I manage to work on two pieces at the same time?
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Wednesday, 4 November 2009

I named this Metropolis

Working with two colors is not easy but I think this works. Im going to leave it as a single its 42 x 42 Ill have my quilter use a black and white verigated thread and do it in a grid, at least I think thas what Ill have her do.

Im feeling the need for a change big time, so the easiest thing for me to change right now is my quilting so Im stepping away from the series and the bulls eye!!! We will see what develops!
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We had another storm here a few days ago, heavy rains and wild winds, my roof stayed on but leaked a lot. I went to the market and these are photos of the area. The river floods every November but I am always amazed by it. I need to get some rubber boots!
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