Tomorrow Im flying to Saigon and will be there for 3 days , then on Thursday Im flying back to the States! I will be there for 2 months! Part of the trip will be in Ohio at Nancy Crow! I am very excited and will post photos when I can. I have been there before and know how grueling it will be and am looking forward to it!
Monday, 11 August 2008
Here I am with Hong, she does all my hand quilting!!! She runs a booking office in the market and when its quiet she works on my quilts. I am so happy to have her as my friend.
I seem to be doing a little series, I love this. I love most of the things I make.... thats good. It is 40 x 54, I find I like working this size it gives me room to move around in. Now I just have to get it quilted.......???
I finaly got this quilted by my friend Hong, she did a great job. I have never used beads on my work but I am happy with the way this turned out. I cant say I will ever use beads again though.